My Packed my VR project not working on HTC Vive

Hey i packed my VR project in UE4 and tried to use the HTC Vive to run the vr experience, it didn’t work out ,
I can’t get the project to run on the vive headset , in the vive headset just saw my project name with waiting to run msg.

Can anyone help with this ?


Does running the executable with -vr option help? On Windows you do that by creating a shortcut to the executable and in the shortcut’s properties add “-vr” at the end of “Target” field (after the executable file name).

I tried that it didn’t work out , the packed project is running on pc screen but not on the vive headset , i tried to move inside the project and it worked but just with the vive controller.
i checked the steam setting found this msg : motion smoothing is not supported on this gpu or drivers are out of date .

any suggestion mate ??


Its solved , just forget to check use it in vr option when im packing the project.

Yes, motion smoothing shouldn’t prevent it from running at all. Glad you found the solution.