"My Library" missing items


  1. Fab.com page shows that I own the asset (well… I’m the seller of the asset) but when clicking on “download” only “To access Unreal Engine files, add the asset to your Library.” appears. No way to add to library or to continue or to open in launcher etc.
  2. Item is not in the launcher “Fab Library”. Refreshing library, logging in and out from launcher and / or Fab.com / reinstalling launcher has no effect.
    3.As a secondary annoyance “my library” ordering is flipped: choosing newest, the oldest are on top and vice versa.

What type of bug are you experiencing?

Assets not in library

URL where the bug was encountered


Steps to Reproduce

Logged in go to fab.com/library/ and try to search, edit tags and/or categories to scroll and find wanted asset.

Expected Result

Find the asset.

Observed Result

Asset is not in the library.



Operating System


Additional info

Seems the missing assets are the assets that were added to library after fab launch. Marketplace assets are in the library (maybe… too many to know)

It a similar issue to this one: How do I add my own published plugin to my own vault?

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I see… yes, it’s the same problem/issue. Thank you for linking the earlier topic.


Also same issue of this one, reported November, 7th : I cannot download the product I've just published on Fab


I can see (I think most) of my items in the browser, but using the FAB plugin in UE, My Library is completely empty. Ugh I hate that they did this.