My item has been posted successfully, but it has not been added to my library, nor can it be found in the EPIC launcher


My item has been posted successfully, but it has not been added to my library, nor can it be found in the EPIC launcher

What type of bug are you experiencing?


URL where the bug was encountered

Steps to Reproduce

“CCR-Crazy Control Rig Editor Utility Widget” is a product that I successfully published.hen I click my avatar in the Fab screen and go to “All Products”, I see that this asset of mine does not show “Check saved to my library”. But when I click on the asset and go to the asset screen, it says “Saved to my library”, I can’t find my asset under the Fab/library screen, nor can I find it under the Epic launcher

Expected Result

I need to correctly add the “CCR-Crazy Control Rig Editor Utility Widget” I published to the library of my Epic launcher, and add it to my project through the launcher

Observed Result

The “CCR-Crazy Control Rig Editor Utility Widget” I published did not display properly in my Fab library, nor in the Epic Launcher library



Operating System


Please reach out to support and they should be able to resolve this for you.

It a known bug since Fab launched that we sellers been asking for but never got a response.

The only workaround is to use the latest unreal version and have Fab plugin installed.
From your project, you should be able to open the internal Fab and locate your own plugin like below: