My IDetailCustomization broke the Transform category

I’m trying to add some buttons and custom info to the details panel.

As a first test, I created a custom IDetailCustomization that added a button into the “Transform” category. It worked but it removed (hid?) the Location, Rotation and Scale properties from the details panel. Which lead me to the conclusion I shouldn’t mess with existing categories yet.

So, I modified my IDetailCustomization to create a new category instead of using an existing one, and add my button to it. Once again, it worked! But the transform properties haven’t come back.

void FECMADetailCustomization::CustomizeDetails(IDetailLayoutBuilder & DetailBuilder)
	IDetailCategoryBuilder& Category = DetailBuilder.EditCategory("ECMA", FText::FromString("ECMA"), ECategoryPriority::Variable);

	Category.AddCustomRow(LOCTEXT("RowSearchName", "TestButton"))
			.Text(LOCTEXT("DetailName", "Click Me -->"))
			.Text(LOCTEXT("ButtonText", "CLICK HERE!!"))
			.ToolTipText(LOCTEXT("ButtonTooltip", "Click and see ;)"))

And this is how I register the DetailCustomization:

void FECMADetailsModule::StartupModule()
	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("ECMA Module Startup"));

	UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("ECMA Module WITH_EDITOR"));
	FPropertyEditorModule& PropertyModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FPropertyEditorModule>("PropertyEditor");
	PropertyModule.RegisterCustomClassLayout("Actor", FOnGetDetailCustomizationInstance::CreateStatic(&FECMADetailCustomization::MakeInstance));

I already tried cleaning the project and rebuilding.

I can confirm this is still an issue in 2024 in UE5.3, and happens whenever you add a custom category. I tried setting the ECategoryPriority in every possible way, as well as MyCategory.SetSortOrder(0);

The construction of the TransformDetails, as they are called, are nested deep within Private files and methods and are quite complex so as not to be replicated, and not directly callable.

Did you, or anyone ever find a solution?

This is a pretty bad issue when it comes to customizing the details panel, and I am failing to find any good work-around which might mean I will need to find another way to make my plugin code work entirely outside of the details panel which is…klunky to say the least.