My first game

Hello everyone

I decided to try to make a small game. The idea is to make Mini Games Collections (5 mini games). In each of the 4 games there will be a clue for the fifth-last game (not necessary - but easier to know). I’m a total beginner and I hope there are no big bugs in the game :slight_smile:

The game is like a puzzle.

This is one of the games … Puzzle

Thanks Unreal Engine
Thanks Quixel Bridge
Thanks Ultra Dynamic Sky & Weather

And a special thanks to everyone who posts tutorials online

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… the game is slowly coming to an end, so if anyone wants to take a look and leave a comment or advice …

thank you

Game 1

Game 2

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Game 3

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Game 4


Hi there @makisiki,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far :slight_smile: Also, huge welcome to the Unreal Engine forums! It’s always great seeing a new face.

I’m genuinely so disappointed I missed this thread for so long. The environments you’ve created are just so well made. The dock, specifically, looks so charming and polished especially the vibrancy of the lighting and water.

Thanks for taking the time to share. I look forward to seeing the next update! :smiley:

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Hey @PresumptivePanda

Thank you for the kind words :slight_smile:

Best regards.

Hi @makisiki,

I appreciate your idea to make Mini Games Collections (5 mini games).

I’m doing something similar with multiplayer in mind to utilized my massive Vault of Marketplace Assets I’ve acquired over the years. The games differ in gameplay, but could share content between them.

Having to find a Clue (Object) within each game for use in the Last game is very clever.

It links the games (levels) together in an elegant way, provides and overarching quest that could drive motivation to play each.

Awesome modular level design that could be extended on gradually. Potentially, new clues could be added to existing to maps to encourage reuse/ replay.

I'm very interested in seeing this concept grow.

If you interested in a game dev discussion, or collaboration, I’m always available on Discord.

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Hi @TechLord and thank you.

This is what i’ve done so far, so if anyone wants to take a look …

Puzzle (

Hello there @makisiki ! Welcome to the Unreal Forums with us and thank you for sharing your journey with your very first game.

I love what you’ve done with this project so far. Having unique minigames with hints to the final game throughout them all is very unique. I’ve not seen this done in recent times that I can remember so I’m very curious. I’m looking forward to seeing the update and your final project as you continue to work. Keep it up! :star_struck:

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“Gameplay-Walkthroughs” for what has been done so far …
