My character cannot cast to their controller in seamless travel

Sup everyone,

I enabled seamless travel from my lobby map to my gameplay map, however now the character does not have any input and cannot move around.
I am using enhanced input actions.

I ran a print string off the cast failed here and it prints, its as if the controller is not being assigned to the player?
I have a custom controller for gameplay, Here is how am am currently assigning it within my game mode (a separate game mode from my lobby game mode.)

Whats going on?

Hey @Bradjoe1!

So we need to know what’s in the “Spawn all Players” Event. You are correct in assuming it isn’t being assigned. It might be stomping if there’s more than one player- check this thread for the solution to that!

If it’s just one player, chances are it’s here in the code you’ve posted (Except the Spawn All Players event, it could be in there).

If I remember correctly the output NewPlayer on the “Event Handle Starting New Player” returns a pawn. Try using a “GetController” there and using that as your object for the BasicPlayerController- and throw a print string on the cast failed option! :slight_smile:

Thanks, im going to look into this and see what i can find. Ill update if I come across anything.
As for my functions, here they are:

And here’s the logic for actually spawning the character

I can confirm the the action of the character getting possessed is happening, which is what doesn’t make much sense if it cant find the controller.

It does seem that “Handle Starting New Player” does return a controller type

Update: Just tested with multiple players and still no one can move. I looked through these functions and swapped out a few nodes, but still nothing. Im starting to think it might have something to do with my character (considering it cant cast to the pc anymore) OR more than likely the enhanced input system.

I feel so incredibly goofy rn.
I had set up previously “set input mode ui only”
And I never changed it
Added a “set input modes game only” to my game modes begin play and it fixed it.

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