// Copyright William Antonio Pimentel-Tonche. All rights reserved.
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "ConnEventFunction.h"
#include "Components/BoxComponent.h"
#include "ConnEvent.generated.h"
class AConnEventFunction;
class UBoxComponent;
* Custom class that handles the backend of the events framework.
* To set up an event with an actor, you can do so in one of two ways:
* * Attach the event to the target actor in the editor (event should be child!) and set up your trigger settings
* * Create an actor derived from this class or reparent an existing one, integrating event functionality natively
UCLASS( Blueprintable, meta = (DisplayName = "Event") )
class CONNEVENTFRAMEWORK_API AConnEvent : public AActor
* TODO: Create a derived event class with triggers built-in, so developers can pick between them. [SOLVED: Put triggers here in this class.]
* Trigger settings for this event, such as component tags.
* Root component of this actor.
UPROPERTY( Category = "Components", VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite )
USceneComponent* Root;
* Box collision component to serve as a trigger.
UPROPERTY( Category = "Components", VisibleAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite )
UBoxComponent* TriggerComponent;
* This is the call stack container.
* Event functions should be listed in the order in which they should be called.
* ALL EVENT FUNCTIONS SHOULD BE CHILDREN OF THIS EVENT (for organization and optimization purposes)
UPROPERTY( Category = "Event System", EditAnywhere, Replicated )
TArray<FConnEventCallStack> CallStacks;
virtual void GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const override;
* Construction script functions.
virtual void OnConstruction(const FTransform& Transform) override;
* If your event and its functions don't need to know their own world transform (most of them won't), use this to center it.
* This sets the relative location and rotation to 0.0f on all axes, and the scale to 1.0f on all axes.
UFUNCTION( Category = "Event System", CallInEditor )
void CenterEventFunction();
* Tries to rename the event function to be compliant with framework standards as best as possible.
* If your name already complies you likely won't need this.
* @see Conniption Framework Documentation for more information.
UFUNCTION( Category = "Event System", CallInEditor )
void ApplyReasonableEditorName();
* Server RPC for StartEvent().
UFUNCTION( Category = "Event System", Server, Reliable )
void Auth_StartEvent();
* Called when the event call stack begins - in other words, when this event is triggered.
* This is called by Auth_StartEvent() in C++, a server RPC.
UFUNCTION( Category = "Event System", BlueprintNativeEvent )
void StartEvent();
* Server RPC for InitializeEvent().
UFUNCTION( Category = "Event System", Server, Reliable )
void Auth_InitializeEvent();
* Initializes the event by setting up triggers (such as collision and interaction queries) and binding event delegates.
* This is called by Auth_InitializeEvent() in C++, a server RPC.
UFUNCTION( Category = "Event System", BlueprintNativeEvent )
void InitializeEvent();
* Creates collision and interaction queries for the parent object.
* This is an automated process that calls some internal functions by default, but you can override it manually.
UFUNCTION( Category = "Event System", BlueprintNativeEvent )
void CreateEventQueries();
* Native version of CreateEventQueries(), overrideable in C++.
* Creates collision and interaction queries for the parent object.
* This is an automated process that calls some internal functions by default, but you can override it manually.
virtual void NativeCreateEventQueries();
* Called when the game starts.
virtual void BeginPlay() override;
// Copyright William Antonio Pimentel-Tonche. All rights reserved.
#include "ConnEvent.h"
#include "Components/BoxComponent.h"
#include "Editor/EditorEngine.h"
#include "Net/UnrealNetwork.h"
bReplicates = true;
Root = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>(TEXT("Root"));
TriggerComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<UBoxComponent>(TEXT("Event Trigger"));
void AConnEvent::OnConstruction(const FTransform& Transform)
void AConnEvent::BeginPlay()
void AConnEvent::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps(TArray<FLifetimeProperty>& OutLifetimeProps) const
DOREPLIFETIME( AConnEvent, CallStacks );
void AConnEvent::Auth_StartEvent_Implementation()
void AConnEvent::StartEvent_Implementation()
void AConnEvent::Auth_InitializeEvent_Implementation()
void AConnEvent::InitializeEvent_Implementation()
// Create event queries so that pawns (e.g. players) can trigger this event.
void AConnEvent::NativeCreateEventQueries()
// TODO: Add default event trigger components, e.g. box component, that the developers can then set up manually
void AConnEvent::CreateEventQueries_Implementation()
// Pass to C++ native function
void AConnEvent::CenterEventFunction()
void AConnEvent::ApplyReasonableEditorName()
// Is owner valid
// Get owner's editor name
const FString LocOwnerName = GetAttachParentActor()->GetActorLabel(false);
// Now we have a (starting point for a) reasonable name in compliance with our standards!
const FString LocFinalLabel = LocOwnerName + "_EVENT";
FActorLabelUtilities::SetActorLabelUnique(this, LocFinalLabel);
The problem is that this actor just won’t move in the editor. C++ or Blueprint class, it just refuses to move. I try to drag the transform widget and it just snaps back into place. I have been searching for answers all day and it just refuses to work, I even tried recreating the class and it won’t cooperate.
If anyone can find a solution that would be very helpful, thanks!