My AI seems to be flying away which isn't intended. Messing with the collision settings and presets doesn't work.

Hey everyone, I am here with a question that has been bugging me for more than a day. Unless I only have 1 AI in my level, all of them seem to fly away unless I have a mesh (a ceiling) that blocks them. Killing a second AI resets the first AI and lets it function as intended. Here is a video to show my problem:

I would show you the blueprint I have but I am very likely not allowed to do that because the AI that I am using was purchased from the marketplace.

Google isn’t helping me find a solution to this issue and the Slackers Discord didn’t know what was happening either.

Hey there @slightlybonkers! This is definitely an odd one! Does the AI from the marketplace use Navmesh or does it have a custom terrain tracker? They seem to believe they are pathing since it’s running the walk animation.

It is using a navmesh, yeah

I removed them all and re-did everything from scratch again and that seemed to have solved the issue. Really strange one.


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