Mute stops audio cue instead of muting it.

You need to open the Sound Wave or the Cue and set their Virtualization Mode to “Play when silent”, because by default UE stops an audio when its volume is set to zero.


I have a widget with several buttons.

  1. Button 1. Play - When clicked this plays a video and 6 audio cues.
  2. Button’s 2 to 7 - Each of these buttons when clicked unmutes one audio cue and mutes any unmuted audio cue’s.

Currently when i mute any audio cue it stops the audio it doesn’t just mute it. This means when i click that button again the audio starts from the beginning which means the audio is no longer in sync with the video. Is there a way to have mute actually mute the audio not actually stop it?
I have tried really low values for the audio volume levels but it doesn’t seem to work correctly.

Thank you :slight_smile:

You have to Spawn the audio cue. Once spawned you can pause/mute it via Set Paused.