Hi, this took me a while to figure out what was causing the crash, but I’ve narrowed it down to an issue with Chaos Physics clothing data been enabled on a Skeletal Mesh that forms a Customisable Object (Mutable Plugin). When the clothing data is removed, no crash occurs.
Please note, this crash ONLY occurs in a Packaged Executable, not in the editor.
Further details: When working with the mutable plugin, I have an item of clothing (a dress) on my character that requires chaos physics clothing data in order to move in a realistic way. However, I have found that when using the Mutable Pluin, if the Customisable Object for the dress contains a skeletal mesh that has chaos physics clothing data, it causes the packaged game to crash on startup, with the following error message:
Assertion failed: (Index >= 0) & (Index < ArrayNum) [File:D:\build++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\Array.h] [Line: 783] Array index out of bounds: 4777 into an array of size 4776
Removing the clothing data allows the packaged game to run as expected.
Here is a link with the full crash log: EDIT: Apparently the link expired, I’ll submit a bug report.