What is the best way to setup a game with multiple camera views on a single display, for a single player? Talking about “in-game” mode here, not in Editor.
For example, the game window is split in four quadrants with a different camera angle (and offset) used for each quadrant, all looking at the same map (ex: FPS view, 3rd person view, top view, etc.). Only one single player controling the camera movement.
Note that I read about nDisplay, but it seems designed for setups where you need to launch multiple instances of your game on multiple computers. I assume the setup I need is simpler and does not require nDisplay?
It works well and I get the result I need. Is it however the most efficient technique? I have a heavy scene to render, so I’m looking to reduce overhead to maximise performance.
Quick summary of the technique. You first enable the Composure plugin. You add the four CameraActors to your scene. You create a CompositingElement with 4 CG layers. You override the input of each CG layer to be fed with the Camera actors. You then create a material for the CompositingElement to sample into the 4 different CG layers and combine them into one single output. You can then configure the CompositingElement to output its result into the Player Viewport Compositing Output.