Multiple UV channels on skeletal mesh? Unreal deleting second channel at conversion?

When I’m converting a static mesh (2 uv chans) to a skeletal mesh with the new Skeletal Mesh Editor option. Unreal deletes my second uv channel. This is not nice. Is this a bug due to the beta state of the tool? Or is there a way to achieve this in Unreal? Or is it even not possible to have multiple uvs on skeletal meshes?

You probably need to report it so they fix it.

Meanwhile you just use a DCC to do it…

Skeletal meshes can have as many UVs as anything else. Its an engine limit on objects rather than a varying limit per item type.

If I import a plain mesh from blender as skeletal mesh I have both uv channels, but It’s somehow missing a root(bone). I guess this little red bone is indicating this do you know how to fix it?

You shouldnt rename the armature in blender to get the root bone in.

Different plugins set this up differently - so if you are using a custom export this may be handled differently for you.

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