Multiple switch parameters for Materials

Hello :smiley: , i`m having some trouble here.

Im trying to create one Material that will have something like 4 textures options.
But i want to have that options on Texture Instance, for example:

Base Texture
Base Texture with scratches (changes the normal, rough, metal and opacity value )
Base texture with mud (changes the normal, rough, metal and opacity value )
Base texture with blood (changes the normal, rough, metal and opacity value )

I wanted a clickable option with they all and that they can be blended.
Like Scratches + mud + blood.

I finding some problems with that, even more because i use some inputs ( color, metal,rough, transparency and normal ).

Anyone please can be the light on end of the tunnel ? :slight_smile:

Thanks you all!!

You can have options in matetial instances by using static switches in the main material.
For blending you can blend things by yourself or by using layered material.
Check this doc if you are not familar with layered material:

Thanks Jiffy, i took a look, but i still suffering to do the static Switches.
They are working, but i not knowing well how to do, to work :frowning:

Thanks for the real, i will keep researching

your issue is that all your switches are called the same thing. change them to ‘blood diff’, ‘blood rough’, ‘blood normal’, etc…
that will fix the issue