Multiple queries about creating a VR experience

My boss in work wanted me to test to see if we could utilise VR to showcase some of our projects. I think they believe my skill set to be higher than it is, because of some previous UE experience, so I opened the VR template in Unreal (5.2) and imported my models into the scene - expanding the Nav Mesh Bounds Volume as required.

(We are currently using an og HTC Vive headset, but a Quest 3 is on order)

I wanted to get some screenshots of the issues but, it’s pretty difficult with my current setup.

  1. The control scheme to move the player around the scene appears to have a mind of its own. I have no idea what the actual controls are, because they seem to change every few minutes.
    In the template - before I added anything - you would need to hold the side buttons on the Vive controller then click the touch pad to move. Then it changed to touching the pad to indicate where to move and release to move (no side buttons). At one point the trigger was also required.

Is there any way to select/control/design the method the user will have to move?

  1. In addition to the movement difficulties, visually it would show a box on the floor with a circle in it. I presume the circle is where the player will move to - I’m not quite sure about the square, I had thought it was an area which you could be more precise and move the circle within it however due to the above movement issue this doesn’t appear to be the case.
    Once I added my models into the scene, the circle is no longer within the square when trying to move around, they are both still visible but are now separated by a few feet

Why is this? How do I fix it?

  1. Other than adding my models to the scene (and creating collisions on them) I’ve changed very little about the template. I tried to package it for Windows - which it ran through seemingly with no issues. However when I came to try and run the .exe file, I got an error;
    Packaged Game couldn’t start Create Process() returned 5
    I’ve Googled this error to no avail, one solution said to run it as admin - this changed nothing I still get the error. Another said to select ‘Full Rebuild’ in the Project Settings > Packaging > Project (I haven’t re-packaged since checking this box to test this, since it was the first build previously anyway)

Are there any clear step-by-step instructions to packaging a project?
I’ve had issues before when trying to package something, and can never find anything that really helps, it just ends up being a lot of trial and error - and half the time I don’t even know what I did to finally make it work

#2. I think I’ve figured out what these shapes represent. The headset was previously set up for Standing only, I’ve since reset it to Room Scale and now the circle is back within the rectangle. Therefore I’ve determined that the square represents the defined play area and the circle represents the players location within it. This seems to make sense.

#1. After doing some collision editing (Convert boxes to convex) this appears to have opened up more floor space for player movement. This could have been causing previous issues - though I’m still not sure why the control scheme appeared to keep changing.
When last using it appears to me as if the standard control is touch the top of the pad to indicate where to move and release to move there. Clicking left and right on the left touch pad rotates the view.

I think the biggest issue I now face is packaging the project so it can be utilised elsewhere, rather than just with my desktop though edit mode.