Multiple Module.LyraGame.1 (.2 , .3 , .4) In my builds

In my Lyra project, I created a new C++ class using Editor > Tools > New C++ Class… > LyraGame (Runtime), and placed it in the Source/LyraGame/Equipment folder, naming it MyQuickBarComponent.

During Live Coding output log, I noticed that it was compiling multiple instances: Module.LyraGame.1, Module.LyraGame.2, Module.LyraGame.3, and Module.LyraGame.4.

I tried to replicate this in a fresh LyraStarterGame project, but the duplication of Module.LyraGame didn’t occur, suggesting that creating new classes might not be the cause.

I also found that the .cpp, .cpp.obj, and similar files are located in the (Project)/Intermediate/Build/Win64/ directory. If I have multiple builds, each build contains all these duplicates. For example, one directory where these duplicates appear is (Project)\Intermediate\Build\Win64\x64\UnrealEditor\DebugGame\LyraGame.

Could GitHub be causing this issue? I’m using it as my code repository.

Is it incorrect to add C++ files to the LyraGame module, or did I make a mistake during the process?

Is there a way to merge these back into one Module?

Use Perforce for Revision Control. You can search for a lyra perforce guide to set it up.

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