I am using steam online subsystem and the “Create Session” and “Find Sessions” nodes, this has been working in the editor but when packaged and put on steam nothing seems to work
Creating sessions fails occasionally with this error message:
LogOnline: Warning: OSS: Async task 'FOnlineAsyncTaskSteamCreateServer bWasSuccessful: 0' failed in 15.019027 seconds
When the session does get created successfully, other players cannot find the lobbies via the “Find Sessions” node search, I had assumed that without the “Use LAN” option ticked this would automatically handle the port forwarding etc via steam so that the servers would be publically visible to all, is this not the case? I have struggled to find any adequate documentation.
It results in this log:
LogOnlineSession: STEAM: Found 0 lobbies, finalizing the search
And finally, when I close the lobby with “Destroy Session” node it crashes the game with this error message:
Assertion failed: SessionInfo->SessionType == ESteamSession::LobbySession [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Plugins\Online\OnlineSubsystemSteam\Source\Private\OnlineSessionInterfaceSteam.cpp] [Line: 629]
Any help would be incredibly appreciated as I have no idea where to go from here other than trying to recreate the whole setup in C++ which seems to expose more options which I’d rather not do and am not even sure if that would fix this.