Multiple flipbook material has strange tearing issue

Hello Unreal community,

I tried following Bruno Brito’s tutorial here:

I downloaded his textures and successfully followed his tutorial. Then I tried to change it to use a 2 x 2 texture and I get this strange frame where it just clips.
Here is my material, 2 close ups and an image of the strange frame



Thank you for your assistance.

alt text

No more attachments are allowed for my question so I’m commenting to share my textures.

Bump for awesome textures!

Also, I PM-ed Bruno (buddy of mine) and forwarded this question.

Thank you very much for asking!

I am aware that the last 2 frames are the same image.
When I made a 4x4 version, it worked just fine.
I wanted to increase the quality but then when I changed rows/cols to 2x2 I had this problem.

I tried trading flipbooks for texture samples and it worked! No strange tearing.

Thank you for the reply.

This solution doesn’t work on mobile, too many texture samples.
I’m sorry but this does not work.

No one has any idea?
I’m still looking for an answer.