I’ve been struggling lately to resolve an issue of both fog and lighting on my project. In the amazingly detailed illustration I’ve attached, you’ll see how these procedural worlds (video) are generated within the engine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cp6fktZMdzY
This works well. Each biome loads randomly with various settings, but the issue I’ve run into is that I’m unable to find a way to light the biomes separately, with dynamic values for color and intensity. In the video, you’ll notice that the light source is the same.
I have tried:
**Skylights: **These are infinite and I can’t seem to limit their reach to the biome
**Directional Lights: **The directional lights would be a good solution, but I cannot ‘cap’ their range, so each sun bleeds through into the next, so none of the biomes can have full value of lighting.
Spotlights: At a large scale, I don’t see much effect.
Point lights: At a large scale they don’t seem to light anything as I expect.
Post-Process: This isn’t my strong suit, but I have tried to add some tinting upon transition to each biome. This works but scene captures (for the portals) do not pick up the tinted values because it is post-processing (I think that is a limitation).
Fog: Fog is also a problem in the both types have no min z bounds from what I can tell, so while I can limit the height, every other biome is affected by the others.
Is this an engine limitation that I cannot procedurally limit lighting to biomes like this, Is there a way to do separate my per-biome lighting?