multiple baked map turns bright when showing together

I have a project which I decided to have a multiple maps to reduce baking time. the main map has a moveable objects. everything looks fine when I only use the main map but when I add the other map, it turns real bright its like the build maps is stacking. is there a solution on how to fix this ? Thanks guys !

Do all the maps have lights in?

both exterior and main map/level has a sky light. that’s the only light I use to bake them. I bake them separately. main map has a enhance volumetric cell size so that movable objects appear as if it’s baked. problem occurs everytime I put them together. I also have a dummy level to hold this 2 map/level. the dummy level is only a blank level.

Ok, but when you put them together, I’m guessing you have to skylights. That will make everything very bright… :slight_smile:

yes I have 2 skylight baked in both maps. right after I bake in exterior level, I delete the skylight map. is there a solution for my problem or is there a walk around to achieve my goal sir ? sorry for the late reply

It doesn’t matter whether you bake or not. If you leave a skylight in a map, which you later stream in, a second skylight will join the current map, and it will get much brighter.