When I play in the editor, with 2 players, if I press play on the server first, the client loses its connection without having navigated to the server list or anything. When the client presses play first, I can actually select the server from the server list, but I then get a black screen on the server, except for the score and the revolver ammo hud. The client’s screen looks correct with the connected player on the opposite end of the level. The score hud updates on both screens if the client manages to kill the other player.
I’m just confused as to why this behavior exists and what I would need to do to fix this behavior. The project is a blueprint project running on 4.10.2
from waht I see on different topic, launching server from PIE is awfull. Lot of bug, and it is not adviced to launch from PIE.
Moreover, are you on editor you build from source? Because standard version is not supported dedicated server.
FRom my side I launching server in command line ue4editor myproject mylevel -server -log
from waht I see on different topic, launching server from PIE is awfull. Lot of bug, and it is not adviced to launch from PIE.
Moreover, are you on editor you build from source? Because standard version is not supported dedicated server.
FRom my side I launching server in command line ue4editor myproject mylevel -server -log
Thanks for the response! I tried the command line and that had it work for me. I don’t necessarily know if 2 games running on the same computer would count as a LAN game, but I was wondering if there is a way for it to work without having to launch a server everytime