Hello i’ve made a scoreboard for my game.And i’ve ran into a problem the scorebox on the server shows for example 2 players both named:(Name1) and on client it shows both players named : (Name2).I want it to show player 1 named Name1 and player 2 named Name2
I can’t seem to figure out what i’m doing wrong does anyone have any suggestions?
Can we see the code where you get the names?
Sure here is the code in my third person controller :

and here is the code i have written in the PlayerScore widget :
A screenshot would be nice so that we can see the blueprint scripts. You could take a look at this tutorial and rebuild a scoreboard from the ground up to potentially navigate around your problem. Here is the link - Unreal Engine 4 Guide - Scoreboard - YouTube
Just to let you know, I have never written a scoreboard. But I did a little research just now and found this - Steam Leaderboards - can't get it to write score value - Platform & Builds - Unreal Engine Forums It looks as though one of the users had used an Integer to differentiate between the name. Not sure if this is 100% the answer but might be worth looking into.
I noticed that in your GetPlayerNames event, you are getting the Steam ID from the Player controller. Clients cannot access playercontrollers that exist on the Server, they can only access PlayerStates. This might be why it’s getting the wrong ID.