Multiplayer problem with teleport after joining

so I’m trying to achieve the following: In the game there is just one map. When one player starts a server his location and rotation is stored in GameInstance and restored in PlayerState on EventBeginPlay. When the map is loaded on the server the server character gets teleported to the saved location with the saved rotation (seamless transition). So now when a client joins, the same procedure should happen but only the location fits, not the rotation (server sees the character as it should be, but not the client itself). Does anybody know why that happens or has a better idea to achieve a somehow seamless transition for server and client?

If your characters camera uses controller rotation yaw then you should change that rotation as well. In your pawn/character: GetController → SetControlRotation

Hope that helps.


Sorry for the late response. I did indeed forget to set the rotation. In the end I changed it completly. I stored the variables in the GameInstance but did not use the PlayerState. Then I created CustomEvents which are triggered if the player is the actual Pawn or not. Then the variables were Replicated/Skip Owner and managed by the server.