Multiplayer - PlayerState's SetPlayerName not replicating

I’m trying to use the “SetPlayerName” function on the server to set the player’s name but I am getting very inconsistent results.

If I do not use SetPlayerName at all, the server will return an empty string when using GetPlayerName and the clients will return my computer’s name followed by a 4 digit generated ID.

If I run SetPlayerName in BeginPlay of the PlayerState on the server, it will return correctly when using GerPlayerName on the server. Clients, however, still get the same computer name with 4 digit ID.

PlayerState code:

void AMyCPPPlayerState::BeginPlay()
	if(GetNetMode() == NM_DedicatedServer)
		FString Name = "Player ";
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Set Player Name to %s"), *GetPlayerName());

void AMyCPPPlayerState::Tick(float DeltaSeconds)
	if(GetNetMode() == NM_Client)
		UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("My playername is %s"), *GetPlayerName());

Log Output:

LogTemp: Error: Set Player Name to Player 98
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70
LogTemp: Error: My playername is DESKTOP-AAA-AB70