I’m a little bit confused.
I was wondering, my intention is to create a multiplayer game that depends on servers, I mean, I have my game ready but to play alone (campaign mode) or LAN mode. The LAN mode is a Battle Royale that I started to develop recently and basically has a Lobby where you wait for the 4 slots to fill (which in this case would be a player as a server and 3 clients).
But in reality I would not like to do so, because I would like to be able to make the connection to an external server, that is, that the Hoster does not have to be a user.
For example, many games have private servers that are usually executable in which you start the server (for example in a VPS), enter IP address and port and connect to that server in which there is a limit of people established by you same.
My idea is to create a Battle Royale with the dynamics of Fortnite, that is, in which you press PLAY and automatically put you on a server or in a SLOT of a server with capacity for 20 people, for example, once those 20 are filled SLOTS and there is a player 21, another line is opened inside the server with 20 SLOTS for a new game.
Does anyone know of any method to make this possible?
Because I am faced with the problem that when the Hoster dies, the game is over and in a Battle Royale, if they fall 20 and die first, they have no logic.
A greeting!