Hey everyone,
So I’ve been having this issue with my multiplayer game. I want to test the server searching and joining system of my game but I’ve run into this issue where when I try to adjust certain things like resolution, the Server never has anything applied to it. Instead it applies it to the Client window. Furthermore, when I host a game on the Server, the Client decides to follow along when really it shouldn’t. Does anyone know why this is the case?
The first point seems intentional. The server should never handle cosmetic changes since it has no display. If you are using a listen server you want to use GetNetMode() != NM_DedicatedServer instead of using HasAuthority() (or use a combination of both).
The second thing we would need more information on. We need to see the relevant code. Something to note is AGameMode lines 936 and 974 (in 4.12.5). This is the method ProcessServerTravel which calls ProcessClientTravel. ProcessClientTravel (on line 1234) calls PlayerController::ClientTravel() on lines 1244 and 1250. From my understanding the moment you send a server into a “load map and start game” state it will send all sessioned players to the map. Since sessions are handled automatically for you in the editor (unless disabled in the settings), this behavior will always happen. I have to wonder if the same behavior occurs if you disable this setting, start the server game, and then tell the session to join it. Take this with a grain of salt as I have not looked too deeply into sessions yet.
Well for now I’ve kind of solved the game hosting issue by disabling the Auto Connect to Server check box in the Level Editor’s Play section. With that, UE4 then runs two Standalone windows instead of a Server - Client get up. However the resolution issue still remains even when running two standalone processes.
I’m trying to package the game and see if it’ll run properly.