Is this occurring when you try to Play in editor? It would be helpful to get your logs. In DefaultEngine.ini file (in Config folder for your project), add following and save:
Then run through game again as normal and get us most recent logs. You can find logs in your project’s Saved\Logs folder. Thanks!
Yes, logs will definitely help. Also, can you run in -game mode, start a listen server, and do a manual connect with another clien t"open", and see if that also fails?
Hi there, sorry to keep for logs, but is it possible to get a log of both server and client running in standalone mode (not running editor, but fire up a server and client on your own separately) when you also see this failure?
We haven’t heard back from you in a bit, so I’m resolving this post for now. If you’re still getting a black screen on your Client, please get logs John has requested above (from running outside editor) and attach them in a reply. Thanks!