Im making a game where a player takes control of a ship, but does not posses it(player is still using their camera this way, which is what I want). I already have it all setup and have been testing it using a Listen server using 2 players. The player on the server has no issue using the control inputs. The client on the otherhand will not have its inputs go through. This is what the BP looks like(minus conditions and variables) The blueprint does show that the CastTo is successful
Movement of the ship needs to happen on the server. Player 1 is also the server, so their inputs will always work. That being said you need to RPC (run on server) any commands input by player 2.
In Multiplayer, 95% of things should happen on the Server.
It means the client(s) ship should be on the server and the client control the copy in the server
Use “OnRep” to make sure things sync together between server and client such as damage, movement, and player current status.