I need someone to explain some basic multiplayer flow tips and tricks to me for a better understanding.
I have so many questions, but have a hard time fully understanding so if you respond, can you respond with a screenshot of what you’re describing and explain like I’m a child (as weird as that sounds haha) I’m trying to make a cheat sheet with all this information on it so I can study and apply. I’m a visual learner and reading causes me more confusion than a simple image can.
Please focus on the “Do this” not the “Don’t do this”.
Things I’m struggling with
- How do I get a player controller reference in the Player Character, Game Mode or elsewhere?
- How do I specify which player controller I want to communicate with?
- When do I specifically need to make a RPC to the server?
- What techniques do you guys use to pass information from a player state or game state to a widget?
- How does Replication on a skeletal mesh work?
- How can I load a save from a Game Instance for the specific player controller/player
- In what cases do I specifically use SwitchHasAuthority
I appreciate any wisdom you have to share!