Multiplayer First Person Shooter Kit

@Fluppi393 – Finally got some time to actually build a project using this and I just have two questions.

1). Spawning Impacts - I see that some of the default materials are successfully spawning impacts and decals but for the life of me, I can’t find out where you are doing this. Please can you point me in the right direction.

2). Empty Casings - I see that the weapons eject casings when fired, but once again I can’t find where you are actually doing this. Please can you point me in the right direction.

3). Perks - How do you disable perks on the customisation screen.

1.) Go to the Blueprints folder and open the singleton Blueprint, it contains per surface type information

2.) The bullet shells are particle systems, which are spawned with AnimNotify nodes in the fire animations

3.) Well you could simply delete the perks widget in the customization widget Blueprint

Thanks @Fluppi393 … got it working. Just a few more questions, where do you configure what scopes can be used on what weapons?

Can I also make a suggestion for a future update that you change the sound references on the Singleton to sound cues instead. Allows us to tweak things in an easy manner. Thanks.

@qdelpeche The scope clas has a variable called “CompatibilityTags”, if there is an entry it those tags that is also present in a sight components “ComponentTags”, then you can equip it. By default everything has the “picatinny” tag, so so every sight can be used on every weapon. The sound references in the singleton are of the type USoundBase, which means you can either assign sound waves or sound cues to it.

Perfect … thanks again for the prompt response. It is greatly appreciated. 8-}

Thats actually using Allars Generic Shooter, the HUD, tracers, and ammo counters are a dead give away.

@Fluppi393 - I have a new map that I have created. What items (besides the player start and setting the game mode) do I need to add to make the Mini-map work as well as have the correct camera angle shown when you are selecting your load out and about to spawn.


@qdelpeche You need to add a BP_CustomizationScreen actor to the world and reference it in the world settings. The world settings also have an array of cameras, where you can add a selection of cameras for the spawn screen background. For the mini map there is a Blueprint called BP_MiniMapRender. Place it in the level and adjust the settings, then you can take a screenshot, import it as a texture and reference it in the world settings. Variables like the mini map size and origin you can get from your mini map render blueprint.

Thank you kind sir … all good now. 8-}


Any chance you will build a plugin version of this? a lot of people like my self are mainly looking for a weapons system plugin which we can easily hook into already exciting logic thanks.

Hey when is the update for 4.14? do we have an eta on this?

The message the author left on the marketplace comment area suggests never.

Buyer asked: mate, I know it’s difficult to find the time to make an update, but we paid that stuff, you have to understand that it is your responsibility to update the pack. so please update.

Creator replied: You have to understand that this project is more than one year old, I updated it a few times and added new content and features. This is not making a lot of profit anymore, I moved on and now I am working full time on other projects. And please tell me, why do you NEED an update for 4.14? Usually you would want to avoid updating an existing project to a new engine, because it breaks more than it improves. But if you really want to use 4.14, why not just update yourself?

Link: Multiplayer First Person Shooter Kit in Blueprints - UE Marketplace

We will have to wait and see if an update magically appears one day I guess.

Do you have any idea how annoying it is to have dozens of people spamming the marketplace, my Youtube channel and even sending me private messages every month about when the update to engine version 4.x is going to be released? It’s not like they are asking nicely, they demand it.
This project was released 14 months ago (later on the marketplace) with a fair price, and a good amount of content has been added on top with new engine updates. The revenue from such a project alone is not enough live on it, not when it was released and especially not today anymore. You know exactly what you are buying from my store page, if you don’t think that’s a good deal then just don’t buy it. I never promised anything that I didn’t end up implementing. If you are actually interested in C++, you will have no problem converting it to 4.14. If not, use 4.13.

The main purpose of this project and my hope what people would be using this for was to explore the code and assets and learn how to create their own projects. However, the majority of customers coming from Blueprint scripting didn’t have any interest in C++ and just used other marketplace models to reskin it a bit. The result of this is at least two cashgrab games that I know of that made it to Steam. I find this very sad and I am ashamed to have anything to do with such a “game”.

I’m taking Fluppi’s back here, Bluntmaster how hard it is to learn how to update a C++ project to a new engine version really? it take less than 5 minutes to update if you have no idea how to even update a project what the hell are you doing using the engine to start with, this is a asset if your brought it for 4.13 the creator could cut all support for it all together seeing you paid for what you got anything extra’s is just a bonus so please respect this mans work!

Actually I wasnt complaining at all, I was posting the answer to the question before me. Im still working on version 4.13, need no update and have received plenty of help from the author.

Thank you for the latest 4.15 update, much appreciated. Currently after taking damage from another player in multiplayer I am recieving the following error:

Blueprint Runtime Error:

Accessed None trying to read property CallFunv_create_ReturnValue from function: ‘SpawnHurtMarker’ from node SetRenderAngle in graph: SpawnHurtMarker in object: WBP_GameOverlay with description: Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Create_ReturnValue

After comparing the 4.13 project with the 4.15 project, I am unable to determine what has changed, that would cause this error. All of the nodes are connected and the references are there.

Hello UE4 Programers is there and good skill programmer can help me with the character movements for my Project… Kindly do not hesitate to contact me for any further details regarding my request. EMAIL :

I am getting the following error

The following modules are missing or built with a different engine version:

Not sure what to do :confused:

I am trying to add AI and am having issues with enemy default load out, can you explain where to find “ABaseGameMode” In bluePrints So I can copy and create a zombie mode and Campaign Mode. Thanks so much Great Pack I have to say.

Or alternately can anyone tell me how to get my enemy ai to damage my player with its projectiles? im using projectiles from this kit and nothing happens I can damage them though.