I think the reason why your client can’t call the server RPC here is because the client doesn’t own the DoorFrameBP instance. To handle this you can try this:
You recieve a “Press F” event.
You call a custom event (localy) in the local player controller (the index 0), named for example “On F pressed event”
Within the player controller blueprint, you call a server rpc named for example “Server_ClientPressedFEvent”
Then you do what you want from here. I’m not sure about it, but if you want to go back to your DoorFrameBP on the server side, you can try to pass the reference of it in all the previous events.
I really need help. I try to set up my multiplayer since months but it doesnt work.
If my server send an event my client see it, but if my client try to send an event to the server that he can send it to all clients, it fails.
This is how my bp works:
Just an addition: before you call the event (that is directly after pressing the F button in this case), add a “Switch Has Authority” Node. This will tell you if the Client owns the Actor (this is often the same as server/client, but not necessarily). When the Client you call this on is also the Server, proceed normally as you already do. If the Client does not own the actor (not the authority), use another Custom Event which is set to run on the Server to call the other nodes.
In short: Check if you are the Server. If yes, tell everyone to do something. If not, tell the Server to tell everyone to do something.