So I’ve Ben testing multiplayer and it works fine but when I test it in a standalone nothing works the client can’t move and every actor spawned in is the same actor even though the level is spawning different actors and flying pawn movement doesn’t even work I don’t get it because it works fine in the editor any one know why please help
Standalone make is meant to test the game befor building it, and it do not use the settings in the editor and cannot send any data to the editor. You need to build you game for testing this.
you don’t need to build it everytime. launch your project server with “UE4Editor.exe fq/path/to/your.uproject yourMapName_P?listen -game -log” and the client “UE4Editor.exe fq/path/to/your.uproject -log” and have a look at the logs
which subsystem do you use and how is your connection / hosting code setup?