I’m trying to set team color for the character As soon as either it gets possessed or as soon as the GameState on the Listen server is available.
The character in question is actually controlled by the ListenServer owner , i.e the player on the listen server.
Calling a multicast SetColor on this guy causes its colour to change on the Listen server but not on its clients, while every other client gets its color changed both on client and server.
However putting a little delay before calling SetColor on ListenServer player gives intended behaviour but thats a workaround of some sort.
to differentiate between player controller of listen server player vs the connected client I’m using this logic
for (TActorIterator<PlayerController> ControlItr(GetWorld()); ControlItr; ++ControlItr)
if (this == ControlItr->PlayerState&&ControlItr->IsLocalPlayerController())
Am I doing something wrong?