Multicast Effects Does Not Work On Listen Server IF HOST IS ALREADY PLAYING EFFECTS

I have bumped Into this weird Issue the problem Only happens Under a certain condition.
to replicate the problem here are the rules:
PreCondition : Set Network Emulation To Bad Or Avg
1.Start A Listen Server
2.Once The Client Screen Is Still Black (Is In Process of Joining) Use The Host(Listen Server Client) To Call Multicast Events Repeatly (In My case Its a Automatic Weapon).
3.This Will Cause The Client (Which Just Joined) To Not be able to see any effects that are multicasted.


// Local Simulation Of Effects
// To Spawn Effects On Server And other Clients
if (GetLocalRole() == ROLE_Authority)

And Here is the _Implementation

void ARHN_HitScanWeapon::ServerSpawnEffects_Implementation(FHitDetails TraceHitInfo)

void ARHN_HitScanWeapon::MulticastSpawnEffect_Implementation(FHitDetails TraceHitInfo)
// Check If Weapon Owner Is Valid
if (OwningCharacter)
// Since We already Simulated The Effects Of The Locally Controlled Client/Host we don't need to spawn those effects again So Skip the Locally Controlled
if (!OwningCharacter->IsLocallyControlled())
// Spawn Effects

Not sure about this one, but i think you are overrun the RPC buffer.

You also transmit a TraceHitInfo struct, who is heavy.
Try to transmit thing who are smaller (like origin of the shoot and direction, so you can just trace hit on you’r client, to avoid sending the whole struct).

Also, are RPC you send reliable ?
Must be the point here.

For a good practice, you probably want to send Client to Server RPC (Server, Reliable) when you shoot, and to replicate the shoot for the client, use RepNotify (see how they do on ue4 FPS Project)