Based on predefined snap points implemented using standard unreal’s sockets (same as the MSS, so also inherits various others MSS features).
Works with static meshes, skeletal meshes or any other type of actor supporting sockets, also works with splines.
Code plugin. Can be used with blueprints or code.
Should integrate with geme’s object placement, movement and selection systems (i.e. how objects are selected, moved by the player in game); also provides example implementation for those.
First person, third person, top view, VR, multiplayer.
Dev log #2. Implemented “smooth snap” behaviour. Instead of snapping instantly, it will do a lerp from the old transform to the new one. You can see examples with various rotations and also scale.
The “SnapActors” node was upgraded, and now it allows for just testing if the snap is possible:
If the snap is possible the “Result” output contains the source and target sockets, corresponding components, and also the array of new actors transforms that the user can then apply or not. In the video I take old and new transforms and smoothly interpolate between them. I’m thinking of putting a playable demo of this level somewhere.
Spent most of the time cleaning and organizing stuff. Implemented a “tracking” feature in BPs, once the tile is launched it will track (i.e. try to find snap points around) and attach if one is found, or just fall.
Implementation (in the cube BP):
Snap itself: test if can snap then initialize smooth transform change.
Yep I could use a runtime version. I want to enable my players to outfit their houses with interior walls and this plugin was very helpful when I designed the houses, but for runtime I was about to write my own stuff. If you could make this usable during play that would be extremely helpful to me
Sorry, I missed the message. We have another project to finish (almost finished), then it will be the turn of this one, so I hope we can submit it soon.
Thanks! I think it can work in VR, my problem is that I don’t have any VR myself so I can’t tell for sure. If I understand correctly how the VR work, you have a component representing your hand and you move objects with it, right? In that case it’s not different from holding the object with a physics handle, so I think it will work alright. Is there any VR controls emulator you can use with keyboard and mouse?
With VR it basically just attaches the actor you pick up to the controller component and then detaches the actor when let go, so I would assume it should work no problem.
As far as emulating VR with mouse and keyboard, I don’t think there are any tools to do that.
I’ll let you know how it functions in VR once I can get my hands on the plugin