MS_VertexAnimationTools_MorphTargets broken

The Material Node “MS_VertexAnimationTools_MorphTargets” is not working anymore when I upgraded my project from 4.16 to 4.17.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Make a new project
  2. Make a material with said function
  3. Notice it simple doesn’t work :expressionless:

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For some reason if you plug in a Time Node into the “Morph Animation” Input and let the “0-1 Animation Value?” Input Bool to True, the Function breaks. When using this in older versions, everything was fine. Also not using the mentioned Time node, but setting the bool to false, also leads to the correct results.

I assume new Shader infrastructure might broke some material functions?!

*Edit: I need to use a Time Period of 1.00 to get the same result like in the previous versions, looks like a frac node just disappeared somewhere.

I’ll nudge one of the creators. (or at least someone affiliated with em)


I am unable to reproduce this issue on my end. I set up the blueprint you have in your screenshots in 4.16 or 4.17 and got the same result in both versions. If you can provide some more information I may be able to help pinpoint what is causing the issue.

-Thank you

What is your result? Does it move like in the videos I sent or does it not move?
Sadly, there is nothing more to add about reproducing the issue.

So I went through the steps a couple more times, and was able to get it to repro after all. I went ahead and logged it as bug. If you are interested in keeping up with it, you can go to this link to view it in the public tracker. If you have anymore questions regarding this thread let me know and I will get back to you. Thanks for catching this issue.
