MS Spline not an option in Particle Spawn/Particle Update 4.27

Hi everyone. I am having trouble adding a spline location to my particle spawn and particle update module. Has anyone else encountered this problem? All the tutorials I’ve watched for spline movement seem to be able to add spline locations to these areas. Would appreciate any input for this

No Option (

With Spline Location

With MS Spline

Try checking out the following post, the question mentioned in there was more focused on orientation of the particles that follow a spline
However, you might be able to find something that works for you

Hi everyone, I figured out how to get particles to follow a spline component.

First, you’ll want to create a script for your system that passes the spline position data to the emitter.

Make sure your script is exposed to your Niagara library.

Next, you’ll want to make a spline variable in your user exposed variables.

Add your script to the particle update module.


Finally, create a spline component and parent it to the Niagara system.


Now you should be able to see the particles moving along the spline in the blueprint editor.

It is important to note that there are some issues that can occur when you have multiple splines in your parent/child tree. For example, the pawn I was trying to add my niagara system to was parented to another object, and that object had a spline as a component. The Niagara system was using that spline (the spline at the highest level of the parent/child hierarchy) as the spline it would use for its particle update module. I resolved this by removing the pawn as a child of the other object, making it so that the only spline in the parent/child hierarchy was the one I added to the Niagara system. This is probably a rare instance, but it was frustrating to debug so I wanted to share this last bit of information as well.

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