So we’re close to finishing our game, but hit YET another wall.
We have a death “video/ animation” (It was created in UE brought to Davinci for SFX and imported back to our UE project.) but it’s only playing one frame once we get caught by our enemy (sometimes just won’t appear at all and will only show a black screen.)
I’d like to think it has something to do with it being under a widget as an image but when we looked at our looping main menu screen it was the same way.
This showcases the files created for it and what it does when Santa gets ahold of you.
The code really isn’t all that long either just a few simple nodes.
Alright sorry for the late reply, but the Open source printed “Hello” where as the death screen widget printed nothing. Wouldn’t load the video loop or anything.
Try re-encoding the mp4 using ffmpeg E.g: ffmpeg -i in_video.mp4 -c:v libx264 -preset slow -pix_fmt yuv420p out_video.mp4
Maybe the mp4 is wonky in some way and this may fix it. Good luck!
Unfortunately didn’t work, should I just re render from editing software on a different format? Maybe it being an MP4 is messing it up?
As well I was just thinking on it from what I’ve seen people do they’ve created custom animations through blendr for when their monsters touches you it does that animation. Where as we’re trying to have a MP4 file play over a widget screen. (Which oddly worked for the main menu).