Movie Render Queue with Orthographic Camera

I can’t render Orthographic Cameras in the Movie Render Queue. It works if I render it from the Sequence editor, but then I can’t render Alpha channels…

Can someone help me with this??


the same, only movie scene legacy works

I’m having the same issue. Really frustrating. I set up my camera to be orthographic, but it renders something else entirely. I also want a transparent background in my video.

I came up with a workaround. Less than ideal, but depending on your scene it should work. In my case I’m just rendering out a character on a black background so I rendered out my orthographic camera using the old sequencer method which gave me a sequence of pngs with no transparency on a black background. Then I modified my character’s material to be unlit and fed a constant 1 into the emissive and rendered out again which makes the character pure white, thus giving me an alpha channel. Then you just have to composite the two channels together which you can do in any video editor fairly easily and then export the composite as a new sequence with transparency.

Hope this helps anyone.