Movie Render Queue issue


I recorded a video with my question. I would like to render only one frame from MRQ, but for some reason, my Blueprint works when I render a sequence, but not when I render just one frame. This might be related to warm-up frames, perhaps?

The video clearly demonstrates my issue.

Any support would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

i think this is a problem with your execution logic. if mrq renders “live” and you render 4 to 5 it will not execute the function that is keyed on frame 2, cause the event was not triggered while running. if you’d render 2-3 i’d guess it should execute.

i dunno specifically ngl, but it’s an educated guess.

Thanks @glitchered

But if the function is invoked on frame 2, and currently, there’s no mechanism to undo that action until the animation concludes or I exit play mode. Therefore, if I’m rendering frames 4 to 5, the function has already executed its task, and I should obtain the render without the bike.

I anticipate discovering something new about MRQ with this! :blush:

not really. if you render 4 to 5 without warm up frames you don’t execute anything before that. so… the scene is rendering the default all visible, since your function is executed only on frame 2. so… you gotta have atleast enough warm up frames for the engine to execute the code on frame 2.

the engine doesn’t backtrack what should have been there. you gotta execute while you render or during the warm up to the render. i hope i made that clear enough to understand.

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I see , so with your feedback I added some Anti-aliating to MRQ and experimented a bit with settings, and this was the one that made things finally work.

Thanks a lot, this was driving me nuts. :slight_smile: