Movie Render Q working on dx 11 but not on dx 12? (Resolved!)

Hi there. I have some problems to get the movie render q working on dx 12 and it seems more like a bug then having the common issue with full memory and then a crash occurs. It is like this - on dx 12 the normal movie render q as well as the legacy one both just crash anytime no matter the settings i choose. I see on my taskmanager that my memory gets full then immidiatly i get the crash error. The wierd thing is i can lower the settings like going 640x480 resolution then screen percentage to 50% no AA and switching from epic to middle setting preset and it still crashes heck i even try 320x240 and it still dont work. i have like 150fps with this settings but when i switch to dx 11 i can max out everything on 1920x1080 with 200% screen resolution all epic settings my fps is like 17-20 on the exact same scene but movie render q just works perfectly fine without any problems (both the legacy one and the newer). So how is it not working with 320x240 resolution on dx 12 with over 150 fps vs 17 fps all maxed out on dx 11 graphics preset on epic with screen resolution 200% ? So the other thing is the movie render q did acctually worked only 2 times on dx 12 (the very first 4-5 attempts it crashed but inbetween those it did render my scene) and i did render the same 10 sec scene on epic settings but scince then it never worked again. and i tryed like at least 30 times with lowering settings switching to vulkan nothing helped but somehow it managed to work 2 times then it was over… any idea what i can do to make it work again ? the scene im rendering is nothing too heavy like i say i can make it going with 150 fps i tryed lowering some texture resolution, lowering some poly count on the more complicated meshes all is nanite enabled…any suggestions what the problem might be ? I have 16gb ddr 4 ram at 4000mhz and gtx 1070 8gb


Here is what i awready tried to get it working. I hope it may help to narrow the problem down.
i read that “texture streaming” might help if is set it on in the project settings but that doesnt help. I awso tryed the tutorial from here How to Fix a GPU Driver Crash When Using Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.0 Documentation
how to fix a gpu crash with adding reg keys TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay “sets the amount of time the operating system (OS) allows threads to leave the driver. After that time has elapsed, a timeout delay failure occurs.” that did nothing at all to me the gpu still crashes on dx 12 around 5-10 sek after i start rendering and not 60 sec like it say so it is not working to me. Rendering the sequence as avi, jpg or png all crash as well lowering settings to almost a potato pc like 320x240 resolution and on top setting the compression quality to 1% instead of 100% or screen resolution to 20% and still no change and crash occurs. Removing landmass texture/deleting landmass completly - no change. Switching AA modes from temporal to No anti aliasing at all. switching to Vulkan same but it crashes even faster. Disabling 1 niagara effect i had was some fire so the scene has zero niagara effects when rendering - still crashing right after i start the movie render q. On the other hand on dx 11 i cant even find a setting that i can make the movie q to crash. It aways works perfectly fine even with everything maxed out. So there is something going on with dx 12 movie render q just cant find what it is. Is someone having any other suggestion what i can try to make it work ?

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Small update. Here are the Dx 11 settings all maxed out epic preset 1920x1080 with 200% screen resolution. Lumen is on TSR anti aliasing is on. The movie render q renders the scene with no problem whatsoever. Taskmanager shows GPU memory is @ 7,6gb and shared GPU memory @ 0.5gb so no problem

Now switching to dx 12 movie renderer everything is on the lowest graphics settings. Lumen is off, No Anti Aliasing, Screen resolution 320x240, Screen Percentage at the lowest possible 25% and it just crashes with error “out of video memory…”

on this settings to crash with out of memory is just not possible vs the dx 11 all maxed out which is lightyears ahead and there it has no problems at all to render… Nothing changed exact same scene nothing added to the world… There is no way that i need to lower the settings if i can max out dx 11 and never crashes vs 320x240 resolution dx 12 with all settings lowest possible. How to fix this ? It indeed rendered 2 times at epic settings on dx 12 with 1920x1080 100% screen resolution but after that It just never worked again and as i say i didnt change anything in the scene. Any ideas what else i can try ?


This is the last update. After more then 90+ crashes and attempts to render on dx 12 i was going over every single option in the Movie render q and i finally found the solution :sunglasses:. It has to do with the texture streaming option. If your project in the project settings (Engine / Rendering) has the option “Texture streaming” checked it seems that it doesn’t matter then the Movie render q overrides this setting and disables it by default! So to fix this you need to open the new Movie render q, click on the top left “+setting” icon and add "Game Overrides - then on the right side under “Rendering” it is disabled as a default so switch to either “Don’t override” or “Fully Load used Textures”. In my case Don’t override works perfectly fine when it is in project settings awso on.

On the Legacy Movie render q it is even easier to find. There is awso by default the texture streaming option disabled. You just need to click on the “Advanced” tab and enable “Texture streaming” and thats it…

So now i go from not be able to render 320x240 resolution with 25% screen percent res
all low settings preset “out of memory crash” or “gpu crashed” to maxing all out on epic settings 1920x1080 with 200% screen resolution just because of this setting. I knew the not be able to render 320x240 and out of memory thing was just pure ■■■■■■■■… I hope this helps if someone is new to unreal engine and experience the same gpu crashes or out of memory errors and didnt know that the Movie render q is everytime disabling the texture streaming by default causing this huge problems… Now let’s f go and gl to all with your rendering :kissing_heart:


thank you! I have been having huge problems with VRAM maxed out when rendering with Movie Render Queue with DX12 and will try this.


Thank you very much. I was dealing with the same problem for several days, trying all sorts of ways. Your post and explanation helped me a lot. I sincerely appreciate it.

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Whoaaa THANK YOU SO MUCH i’v been going crazy with that error and now Its working !!!

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That’s it! My savior! Millions of Salutations to you!

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Thank you so much for this! This issue had been haunting me for a long time! My workaround was simply using a beastly Desktop with 64GB ram to power through the memory issue.


Thank so much @catz111! I used your suggestion along with @jeffmeyer3d’s solution (UE5 Crashes when rendering with MRQ ) to help solve my MRQ crashes in UE 5.3. I’ve made a video based on yours and Jeff’s work that will hopefully help out others in a similar position. The video is available at:

Is there any other way to turn off Flush Grass Streaming?