Movie Render Graph and Object Ids in 5.5.1

Hello, I’m trying to render a shot that needs to be split in multiple passes simultaneously (due to the randomness of the content) using the Movie Render Graph, but I also need to have Object IDS (cryptomatte) at the same time in the very same render. I’m trying to use the Object IDs node set to full (Unreal 5.5.1) with a deferred render pass node and I expect the same result as when I render with the movie render queue and add Object IDs, but Nuke doesn’t recognize the cryptomatte. When I use MRGraph, I get ObjectID00, ObjectID01 and when I use the MRQueue, I get ActorHitProxyMask00, ActorHitProxyMask01 which are recognized as a layer by the cryptomatte node and allow the selection.

Did anyone ever get the crypto to work with the movie render graph in 5.5?

Thanks in advance!

PS: we really cannot split this in multiple renders. No caching possible.

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