MoveToLocation not working

I have a tank AI that i want to move with MoveToLocation. At first i used a pawn for this but because a pawn’s movement capabilities are less optimized i switched to a character so i could benefit the character movement component. Now the tank does not move anymore. I don’t really know why, but the MoveToLocation just returns ‘Failed’.
I used a visual logger to collect some data:

As you can see, it should move to the red line but it doesn’t. (red line is actually location of the visual logger but since i set the target location to (0,0) it matches the visual logger location)
I can’t really find a solution for this.
I also don’t know a lot about the included capsuleComponent in a character class. I have a different mesh set as root of my tank, and i kind of ignore the capsule component. I don’t know if that has to do with the character movement.
I know also what a navmeshbounds volume is but not what the recast navmesh is for.

My project is actually c++ but this is not a c++ problem. (I added the moveToLocation in blueprint for testing purposes. I print the response each which is “Failed”).
The AI does do other tasks, like aiming, but not the moving part.

Here is my tank layout.

Here are the settings of the navigation mesh and system.

Here is the begin play code of the controller

I can also show all the data of the character movement component, but then i’ll have to remove some other pictures because i can only add 5.

EDIT: When i change, in the charactermovementcomponent settings,“planar movement: constrain to Plane” to true, and set "Plane Constraint Axis Setting to Z, it prints out request successfull, and still does not move. just something i noticed. When i was using a pawn (and when the movement still worked) i did not enable constrain to plane.

Can we see the code?

i’ll add the code now

Dd you make a child actor or did you just copy the Character and change the coding?


I can’t see anything obvious, but you have setup a lot of stuff and it’s kinda hard to tell where the problem might be. Does this help?:

I made a new class that inherits from ACharacter. Then i set my own mesh as Root.

Yeah, there are a lot of settings about the navmesh and character movement in general, which makes it very hard to find a mistake which might be 1 checkbox. I have previously watched that video. I’ll try to adjust some settings.
I’ll probably build a new project and gradually change it to see where it goes wrong. But often, creating a new project just fixes it all.

I managed to get something to work, but it is not the way i want it to. By setting the CapsuleComponent (that i don’t need) as Rootcomponent, with the tank attached to it. That means it uses the collision of the capsulecomponent.
This way I can’t use the collision of the tank so I do not prefer it this way, but I don’t know if it is possible without the capsule as root component. if i give the tank component collision, it just ignores it and uses the capsule component’s collision.
If anyone finds a different solution, let me know ;).
I’ll make a separate topic on this one.