Hi, I’m working in a project and i’m using third person template c++.
I do everything in bluerpint but my teampartner is doing some stuff in C++ so i start the project in that way waiting to implement his work on that project (some custom BP and stuff like that).
But we didnt modify it in c++ yet and i had this error messaje.
I cannot move anymore with the character. It happened to me one time and i started my project again from beggining but now i have lot of work on it and i would rather repair it if its possible.
The problem seems to reside in third person anim_BP but i didn’t opened it at all.
What i can do to fix it?
Hello GTZA,
From those error messages, it seems like the Movement Component for the pawn doesn’t exist, at least according to this blueprint. Could you check to make sure the Pawn (or Character) that you’re using still has its Movement Component? After that, try setting another IsValid node before the Set IsInAir? node with the output from “Get Movement Component” plugged into it to see if that is indeed the problem.
Hi, i started the project again, i will try to solve it after showing my project on the postgrade presentation and i will tell you if it works for me. Rly thnx
We haven’t heard from you in a while, GTAZ. Were you able to fix the issue your were experiencing? If so, how did you do it? It would be helpful to future users to have the information here. In the meantime I’ll be marking this as resolved for tracking purposes.