I hope someone is able to shed some light on this.
I am running into the issue where on my custom Character (Derived from ACharacter) stutters for the client. The server sees him fine and he sees the server fine but for the client he sees himself stutter all over the place.
At first I believed to be an issue with animations and yaw rotation, I fixed the yaw rotation but testing only with movement and no animbp still leads to this stutter issue.
This is on the same project using a basic ThirdPerson blueprint, no issue with movement at all:
and then using my custom character:
I thought it might be server correction but from what it looks like it is not, I debugged networking and everything is replicated properly.
The movement code is the same as UE third person character code, Input is set up the same.
Does anyone have a clue what might be happening?
Using EOS.