I am using the 2d side scroller template and I occasionally run into a problem where the character and another one of my actors are visible in the editor viewport, but invisible when I hit play. I have searched around online, and the solutions I have seen have not worked. The engine is playing, not simulating, and there is nothing between my camera and the character flipbook. I have had this problem once in the past, but it was fixed when I reloaded my editor. This time I have rebuilt, recompiled, relaunched and nothing has worked.
Firstly, the character is invisible when I play. It still moves, the camera is working but I cannot see the animations, and I have tried with the sprite being activated and not activated. No luck. I have not changed any code in the character apart from adding a couple inputs, which still work when I press play in the editor. There are no other actors apart from the ledges and backgrounds.
Secondly, I have an actor which is a projectile that fires with a vector of 200,0,0 on Event Begin Play. When I put the actor into the editor, it is visible before play, but invisible after. However if I untick the ‘auto activate’ box on the actor, it becomes visible in game. Blueprint actors are all visible, it is just c++ actors, but there are no build/compile errors.
If I go into a new level and copy across the character, It is still invisible. However, if I place a version of my projectile in, it is visible. I am not sure if it is a bug with the default 2d side scroller map or the character itself, but I am worried I may run into it later on when I have made many changes so I would like to work out how to fix it. Thanks for any help in advance
EDIT: I just tested the blueprint actors again and the 2d character blueprint isn’t working either. The class must have an error, so I’ll copy and paste the default source code for the 2d character and see if it works.