---Movement Jitter when Character Pushed

My standard “Character w/CharacterMovementComponent” jitters when pushed by another object, but ONLY while IDLE. When moving or jumping, the collision detection is smooth. See .gif:

The cube is a generic box collsion and W/FloatingPawnMovement. Same thing happens with any other type of collision while I’m standing still.

I made a barebones .uproject with the same setup, Base Character w/CharacterMovementComponent, Box w/FloatingPawnMovement, simple controls, showing collision. (Uncomplied, but should be easy to compile simply by clicking the .uproject)
Paul_PushingJitterExampleProject_U5_4.zip (99.7 KB)

Here’s what it looks like:


I’ve tried numerous settings, asked in Unreal-Slackers, nothing works. My guess it’s in some update function not running when IDLE of the CharacterMovementComponent.cpp or something. But I can’t figure it out.


I still need help on this one

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It looks like you are just forcing the collisions to overlap and this causes the pawn to pop out of the collision box, aka jitter. When you are moving the movement component is constantly updating the player position as it is trying to walk into this wall so it doesn’t jitter. The movement component isn’t physics based so there isn’t a lot of ways to manipulate what happens when another collision object wants its location, could be a small object and the character shouldn’t be pushed by it at all.

Running this while colliding with something will cause the character to remain idle but updates collision each frame, it may be a decent fix if it doesn’t cause problems.

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