My standard “Character w/CharacterMovementComponent” jitters when pushed by another object, but ONLY while IDLE. When moving or jumping, the collision detection is smooth. See .gif:
The cube is a generic box collsion and W/FloatingPawnMovement. Same thing happens with any other type of collision while I’m standing still.
I made a barebones .uproject with the same setup, Base Character w/CharacterMovementComponent, Box w/FloatingPawnMovement, simple controls, showing collision. (Uncomplied, but should be easy to compile simply by clicking the .uproject) (99.7 KB)
Here’s what it looks like:
I’ve tried numerous settings, asked in Unreal-Slackers, nothing works. My guess it’s in some update function not running when IDLE of the CharacterMovementComponent.cpp or something. But I can’t figure it out.