Movement In Listen Servers


I am using a listen server in my game, and when I try to move/Sprint (setting max walk speed to 800, Default being 400.) the client always seems to have issues, such as the movement being jittery, the sprinting not working, etc…
This is not an issue when using the server.
I am extremely confused and bamboozled.

I was wondering if anyone could help me. I am on MacOS in case that makes a difference.


The issue is the speed change hasn’t taken place on the server. Server is correcting, thus jitter.

Client responsiveness approach…

  • Input → CMC: set Max Walk Speed → Event: Server Set Speed (Run on Server)
  • Event: Server Set Speed → CMC: set Max Walk Speed

Simple server auth approach

  • Input → Event: Server Set Speed (Run on Server)
  • Event: Server Set Speed → CMC: set Max Walk Speed

Downside to the pure server auth approach is latency of the player will delay the action.


Thanks for replying, I am still in need of help (as you can tell, im not very good at this.) Is there a way to run certain code on the server’s authority? I just started with multiplayer…![

I tried something like this, but now only the server can sprint. If someone could explain to me how the server authority thing works, it would be much appreciated

Thanks again.

Edit the net frequency update.

Simple vs Complex
If you’re only changing speed on input then the simple approach is a good route.

Otherwise having a function that checks movement states and actions and derives at a speed is the better approach.

e.g. Is crouched & ADS & Sprinting, or Is standing & ADS & Sprinting, or is prone etc.

Overall you want to set the speed on the client, then tell the server to set it. This will help ensure pings don’t factor into movement speed change delays.