Movement and / or camera very laggy for Clients using Advanced Steam Sessions

Hey everyone

I’m quite new to game making and my first game is about 50% complete now.

I just figured recently while testing the game with friends that, while using Advanced Steam Session, all Clients except the Server have huge amounts of lag. I have no idea where I should even start looking for a solution to this problem. Any hints or insight would help me a lot!

The game is not even big yet but the amount of lag Clients have is gigantic and it results in the game not being playable entirely. Movement is very very jittery.

My Question: Is this a problem that is related with Advanced Steam Session or am I doing anything wrong specific?

All people who played had a very good internet connection (1gbit+) and very good hardware (3080+), everyone in the same country, still the one who’s client lags very bad.

Does it mean that I have to rent a dedicated server or are there other solutions?

Thanks for any insights!

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Seems like i managed to fix the problem… For anyone wondering how: I simply added these lines to the defaultengine.ini:





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