Move Text/3D-Text along spline

Wasn’t sure if I should open a new topic for this - but since it’s directly connected (I’ve used the same setup):
I’ve got two problems that I couldn’t yet find solutions for:

  1. I’m not able to get the same results for rendering the moving text in Movie Render Queue renders as in the viewport. In the viewport, it’s rendered and animated. But as soon as I try to render it out, it’s not visible anymore. I’ve then added a “UI Renderer” setting to the MRQ, and this results in getting the text rendered, but the animation is missing = the text just stays and does not follow the spline. Any ideas what could prevent me from getting my visuals from the editor replicated in the MRQ render?

  2. It seems that I can’t change the font. The default in the Blueprint “Add Text Render Component” was “RobotoDistanceField” - but if I change it to “Roboto” - there’s no text showing anymore. What am I missing to sucessfully set another font?

After a lot of search (apparently there’s quite some people with the same problem) I found the solution for how to make it work in MRQ:

The solution for changing the font is here: