Move Text/3D-Text along spline

Whether you’re overthinking it would depend on how flexible you want this to be. It might be just a perfect method for it if you need to drop this actor here and there and just set the text.

Essentially, if you’re going to have 5 different texts in the game, make a mesh out of the text in a 3d program and just spin it.

If you need 500 texts, the messages need to be dynamic then this method is a reasonable way to go.

There may also be a much more performance-friendly alternative. 3d widgets 9 (a.k.a Widget Components) can be displayed on a cylinder - this would give you quite a bit of flexibility over the visual side of things, since you can easily make things pretty in UMG. Bells, whistles and all that jazz.

When it comes to your current solution.

If the boat is already rotating, consider attaching an actor component to the boat and set its actor class to the spline text actor which has its own Rotating Component - it should work OK.

The only thing I’m unsure here is whether you’d need to run the SetRotationAndLocation on Tick. Perhaps just attaching the letters to the spline is fine.

I just wrote the same word 3 times
with the same amount of space between
them, and it seems to be working as

Haha, awesome!

All I have to do now, is change the
font’s settings. Is it possible to
change the fontstyle, size and
material? If that is fixed, I am
completetly done!

Select the AddTextRenderComponent node - there should be text settings and the default material it’s using.

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Sorry for the necro, but this thread was a lot of help. I think this is actually the first time I attempt to set up a blueprint, so lots to learn on the way. Thanks a lot to Everynone!

I’ve got it now rendered and have everything setup like @Everynone describes. But I think I made a mistake; when I set it up in a sequencer and animate Start Offset, nothing happens.

Is this because I’ve set it up in the Construction Script? Should this be setup in the Event Graph? Or am I missing some other crucial point?

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Sorry, just came up with the answer: “Run Construction Script in Sequencer” on the Class Settings needs a checkmark.

But then I ran into another issue: when I run it in sequencer, the text is displayed unreadable, like it’s rotated a lot of times. This does not happen if I scrub the Start Offset
by hand. Any ideas what could cause this and how to fix?


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Wasn’t sure if I should open a new topic for this - but since it’s directly connected (I’ve used the same setup):
I’ve got two problems that I couldn’t yet find solutions for:

  1. I’m not able to get the same results for rendering the moving text in Movie Render Queue renders as in the viewport. In the viewport, it’s rendered and animated. But as soon as I try to render it out, it’s not visible anymore. I’ve then added a “UI Renderer” setting to the MRQ, and this results in getting the text rendered, but the animation is missing = the text just stays and does not follow the spline. Any ideas what could prevent me from getting my visuals from the editor replicated in the MRQ render?

  2. It seems that I can’t change the font. The default in the Blueprint “Add Text Render Component” was “RobotoDistanceField” - but if I change it to “Roboto” - there’s no text showing anymore. What am I missing to sucessfully set another font?

After a lot of search (apparently there’s quite some people with the same problem) I found the solution for how to make it work in MRQ:

The solution for changing the font is here: